Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Field Trip: The Portland Seadogs

Tonight we ended up at a spontaneous Sea Dogs game, it was awesome!

The sight of a large synthetic acorn cap made my heart leap for Oakie. I have a soft spot for Oakie ever since I uncovered an early 2000s job search of Wally's which turned up one possiblity: Filling the Oakie the Oakhurst Acorn suit. He never pursued the job, but I've loved Oakie ever since. Yet I failed to get a decent face-shot of Oakie.

I did partially inadvertenly capture a shot of 2 houses involved in a recent drug/gun/pipe bomb raid! Wow!

We had to leave during the 2nd inning. Jimmy's only 2, so I guess next year our goal will be Inning 3. Anywhichway, the total of Hot Dogs, Shipyards, and Sea Dog Biscuits and the 80 degree temps made for a great night!


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