Wow, this morning I dropped Jimmy off at school to come home to find hubby's band's tv performance to already be uploaded to the station's website, so excited!
As of right now, Wally's not even home yet so I have no reports on how it went behind the scenes but I thought the vids came out pretty good!
Roux on the Grow
1 month ago
Oh. My. Mary.
Alex and I now have a theme song and it is perfomed by the Mallett Brothers Band.
Several years ago, my beer lovin', whiskey retarded boyfriend bought a bottle of canadian whiskey called "CarolAnne's" because it was on supersale after the hols and had two free highball glasses included as a gift set. I know. Anyway, he tried drinking it a few times and turned into such a total non-funny crazy asshole that I refuse to acknowledge him if he dares to sip the evil nectar of CarolAnne.
Innywaze, thanks MBM!
Love, Melanie
MBB. Sorry. This is so embarassing.
ROLF!!! AnneBDavis, it's all the same, supersales always rule, I always recommend Newfie Screech, you Midtexwesterners, right.
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